Photographers Direct

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Sunday 7 February 2010

Jump Park in Avoriaz, France

Cameras in the cold are normally a nightmare, but the Nikon D3 proved its worth. The updated batteries were excellent, not like the old D1x, where a slight chill would cause the battery to only take 4 shots before having to be warmed.

These shots were done in the jump park in Avoraiz resort in France, which a mix of large and small jumps and a array of different slide rails. Once I'd arrived at the park I tried to find myself a spot that wasn't already occupied by the other photographers and film makers, to cut down on the challenge of not getting in there shots. 

I tend to shoot most of my sporting events on Av (aperture priority) as the light can change quickly when on the mountain. You may have to use the exposure compensator to under expose a little to stop the camera burning out the snow, I tend to find -0.3 to -0.7 works well. You may wish to use Tv (shutter priority) so you can set you speeds to either freeze the action or a slow one for movement.

I had picked out a few different positions to shoot from the first was from right by one of the jumps using a 24-70mm.

I then moved to some off side positions and with a long lens (70-200) took some more shots to get that really compressed look.
Things to remember when doing shooting like this, be aware of your surroundings, you can get very tunnelled vision when taking pictures. Bear in mind that you may be stood on jumps so be careful when walking backwards. Keep an eye on any routes the skiers and boarders may be using. Watch your camera kit I had a boarder turn right on the end of the jump and he sprayed me and my camera with snow as he took off.

For more information on Nolan Photography events click here for for tips on photography click here.

Saturday 6 February 2010

The Wedding of Toni and Craig

This is the wedding of Toni and Craig which took place in August 2009. The location was a Nation Trust house in Salisbury, Wiltshire. It is called Philipps House and Dinton Park and is a Neo-Grecian house with fine Regency furniture, designed by Jeffry Wyatville for William Wyndham, 1820. The usage the couple had was an en-suite room for the bride's preparations and for the reception they had the use of the front of the house and the rear courtyard. The church the couple used for the ceremony was located at the bottom of the park, once it was complete the bride and groom accompanied by their guests walked the 800 meters through the park up to the house for the reception. The couple had permission to use any part of the house for the photographs. To see more goto

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Welcome and Hello

Hi, this is the blog for Nolan Photography, for here we aim to tell you about what we are and have been up to. We will be posting some of our latest pictures from events we have covered and we look forward to your comments.

Please feel free to get in contact with us either through here or the website at
