Photographers Direct

Photographers Direct - stock photography images

Wednesday 30 January 2013

The Loss of Something Strange

Back in 2009 I was work on a job in the Alp in the the South of France. On route to the job one morning I passed this odd looking building. On checking my watch, I realised I had to time to stop.

I got out I took some shot of this strange looking dwelling at the side of the road, to me it looks a bit like a cross between grain store and windmill (minus the vanes). I have alway liked the shot and it still sits in my portfolio (

This year I returned to this location, with the intention of shooting the building again and maybe spending a little more time there too. Sadly, this was not to be. On my return I found a building site for a new hotel.

It saddens me to think that that strange building is now gone and lost forever, only to be seen in pictures  that were taken of it.

To show appreciation for all things that are pretty and strange, I ask you to share the photo of this strange building who ever and with who ever you can. Would you also be kind enough to enter in the comments the state/province/county and country you are from, so we can see how far and many countries around the world get to see this. You can find it on our Facebook page.