Photographers Direct

Photographers Direct - stock photography images

Sunday 19 December 2010

A303 Sunset

As a photographer one of the biggest obstacles we can come up against when going out to take pictures or purchasing new kit is the other half. Generally this is because they don’t understand the passion you have for taking pictures. You will probably notice how geeky the talk can get when a few photographers get together. Thankfully for me, my obstacle is a lot smaller than most, I’m not saying I don’t have a better half I do. But like me she is a photographer too, so when can just geek it up together. So when I get a call as she is driving to see her parents saying get your ass to the A303 where it overlooks Yeovil and Mere, there is a really low mist with the sunset, so in the car I jumped.

I pulled over when I found the best point that overlooked the mist, which was a high vantage point. I decided to shoot a panoramic, using a tripod I shot 8 shots to over the ground I want in my final shot.

The sun was slowly setting, which was changing the colour of the sky. So once I had shot my panoramic I moved across the field to the lone tree to shot some silhouettes. 

There were a few different tree sporadically dotted about which I used. When out shooting I always try and used different lenses and compositional techniques to shoot the same subject.

One of the other things to try in changing the white balance on your camera and see the difference it has on your pictures. 

After I was done and headed on my way home I passed one of the many laybys on the A303, this particular one has a farmer building right next to it. Quite often I would see a bird of prey sat on the roof of this building. Tonight was a little different, there were 3. Pulling into the layby and grabbing my 70-200 with a x2 on I walking quietly towards the farmer house. One had already gone leaving 2 left, as I lifted my camera the 2nd one lifted. I managed to rattle of one shot.

So it just goes to show what you can get from spontaneously jumping in the car and heading out to take some shots (even if I was given a little push).

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