Photographers Direct

Photographers Direct - stock photography images

Friday 6 May 2011

A day at 1.8

I was recently tasked as part of the camera team to cover the graduation of the Afghan Uniformed Police (AUP) at the Regional Training Centre (South West), which was a filming task throughout the day. But as usual I had my Nikon D700 with me with a old 50mm F1.8, so I decided to make it 1.8 day.

Shooting everything at 1.8 proved interesting for my exposure, as during the day out here it is very bright. Even on iso 100 I still had an exposure of 1/8000th at f1.8. So I shot in NEF to help me, knowing that you can bring back a certain amount of the highlights back in Adobe Raw Convertor.

It was nice using an old manual lens on a modern camera and having to use manual focus again was a welcome change, especially knowing that if the shot isn't sharp its not the cameras fault.

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