Photographers Direct

Photographers Direct - stock photography images

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Picture of the Day - Burnham-On-Sea

This picture of the day comes from the weekend just gone by. I found myself at Burnham-On-Sea on the seafront. The reason I picked these pictures to show is that I wanted to show that it doesn't have to be a nice day to go and get good pictures. The weekend weather was pretty miserable for most, but I decided to make the most of my time as Emz was on another job near by.

I decided to shoot for HDR (High Dynamic Range), this is were you take a series of the same picture at different exposures and then combine them using a program call Photomatix. There are two ways of doing the pictures for this. Firstly you can put you camera on a tripod therefore getting shots that will all be aligned correctly and then manually adjust your exposure to under and over expose the image, plus you could use the bracketting feature of your camera if it has it. This is when you can sent the camera to automatically a set number of frames.

Or if you have a camera that shoots at 5 frames a second or higher used in conjuction with the camera bracketting feature you will get very little movement bewteen the pictures. Photomatix also has a align feature built in.

Also I use the a plugin filter for photoshop made by Topaz Labs called Detail which has some selected bulti-in filters of which my favourite is bold detail. When using it I duplicate my image layer and then apply it to the upper layer. Some the effect can be pretty harsh, if this happens I reduce the opacity of the upper layer.

I also did a some none HDR shots as well

If you have any questions regarding HDR or anything that you have read please ask.

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