Photographers Direct

Photographers Direct - stock photography images

Thursday 5 April 2012

Picture of the Day - Chicago

This shot was taken underneath the central train loop right that runs around the center of the city of Chicago. I was actually on my way to Willis Tower as I wanted to try and do some cityscapes from the top. I had about an an hour and a half to kill before I had to leave to catch my flight. Although I never got to shot any pictures from the top of the tower due to a very unlucky timed arrival. I just missed the start of the 20 minute video on the tower (which I didn't want to watch) so that combined with another 20 minutes watching the video I didn't have enough time to get up down and back to the hotel.

Luckily, on the way to the tower as I crossed the street I saw this scene. I loved the way the light shone down through the grid pattern of the rail track onto the road. As I jay walked across the street I stop in the middle and quickly shoot off a few frames. I love the leading line of the shadow and the metal framework that creates a natural frame in the image. Ironically had I not stop to take this I may have made to the video at Willis Tower.

What I can tell you is that it was shot on a Nikon D2x and a Nikon 28-70mm lens. I would love to give you the shooting information but sadly the original files were lost in a hard drive crash in late 2007, before I had backed it up. It just goes to show you the importance of backing up your digital files. Lesson learned the hard way!


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